Reviews of “The Subway Stops at Bryant Park”

Kirkus Reviews calls The Subway Stops at Bryant Park “gorgeously nuanced.” They go on to say, “Moss’ ability to probe the rich, complicated depths of those the city views as ordinary—its doormen, library workers, waitresses, and bench-sitters—and capture the profound currents of emotion found in the everyday animates this collection and makes it uniquely illuminating.” To read the entire review, click here:  Kirkus Review

The Blotter says of the collection, “The people in Moss’s stories have one thing in common: they have her as their observer, with her penchant for finding the almost whispery goodness in the weaving of the yarn. There is no unsolicited fanfare, no parade with a brass band, no narcissism of narrative. Just competent word-choice, her eyes looking in the right direction at the correct moment. It doesn’t hurt to have acute peripheral vision as Moss does, for the image, the detail we would miss without her there as our guide.” To read the entire (lovely review), click here:   The Blotter review

Best New Fiction calls “The Subway Stops at Bryant Park” a “fine debut collection” with a “nuanced exploration of the many facets of loss.” Review from Best New Fiction